
How To Install Testlink In Ubuntu

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Install TestLink1.nine.14 on Ubuntu

  • Install TestLink1.9.14 on Ubuntu
  • Introduction to TestLink
  • TestLink installation
    • Confirm the installation environment and version
    • Download and install the necessary software:
      • Check if mysql is normal
      • Check if the apache server is normal
      • Cheque php version
    • Configure apache2
      • For the state of affairs where port 80 is occupied (if port 80 is the default, ignore this department)
    • Install the testlink version bundle
    • Execute the testlink installation wizard
    • Modify the testlink configuration file
    • success
  • Stepped pit
    • Apache default port fourscore is occupied
    • PHP version problem, requires v.4 or above
    • PHP5.4 relies on apache2.4 (currently 2.2)
  • Reference documents

Introduction to TestLink

Testlink is an open source test management tool, mainly used to manage examination cases, from exam requirements, exam plans, test case management and utilize case execution, to final consequence analysis, a complete ready of exam process command to help testers effectively control Testing process.

The chief functions of Testlink are as follows:
one. Management of test requirements
2. Management of test programme
3. Management of exam cases
4. Execution of test cases
5. Assay of test results (including graph analysis of test results)
6. Role-based user management

TestLink installation

Ostend the installation environment and version

View Linux version and kernel

          i.uname -r #kernel /etc/issue # View the kernel version  3.sudo lsb_release -a #Cheque the version, some hosts do not take the lsb_release command installed, c is applicable to all Linux, Centos, UbuntuRedhat, SuSE, Debian and other distributions.                  

The host environment is Ubuntu 12.04.v LTS
Software version: testlink-1.9.fourteen.tar.gz

Download and install the necessary software:

          1.sudo apt-add together-repository ppa:ondrej/apache2 2.sudo LC_ALL=C.UTF-viii add together-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php  3.sudo apt-get install apache2 #install apache2.4  4.sudo apt-become install mysql-server #install mysql five.5  5.sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php php-mcrypt php-mysql #install php7.0                  

After the installation is complete, the msyqld service and apache server will be started

Check if mysql is normal

mysql -u root -p

          one.prove databases;-prove database listing  2.create database test; - Create database  3.drop database examination; - delete the database                  

Bank check if the apache server is normal

Passhttp://ip:portConfirm whether the visit is normal

Check php version

php -five

          one.PHP (cli) ( NTS ) 2.Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group 3.Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies 4.    with Zend OPcache, Copyright (c) 1999-2016, past Zend Technologies                  

Configure apache2

sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Add the post-obit content:

          i.AddType application/10-httpd-php .php .htm .html 2.AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 three.ServerName                  

Restart apache2 afterward modification

          1.sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart                  

For the state of affairs where port fourscore is occupied (if port eighty is the default, ignore this department)

sudo vi /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Change the original 80 to 8080

          1.NameVirtualHost *:8080 2.Listen 8080                  

sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default
Alter the original 80 to 8080

          1.<VirtualHost *:8080>                  

Install the testlink version package

Download the latest version from the official website, and copy it to the Apache default /var/www/ directory

          ane.tar zxvf testlink-ane.9.14.tar.gz 2.sudo mv testlink-1.9.14 /var/world wide web/testlink /var/www/                  

Execute the testlink installation sorcerer

Click directly in the showtime three steps. The quaternary pace, enter the database name, admin user, testlink user (the latter two can share a user)

Pace 5: Will prompt

  • Successfully connected to the database
  • Create database testlink
  • The user who created the database testlink
  • Import init script
  • Failed to write configuration file,As shown in the figure below, re-create the file to /var/world wide web/testlink/


Modify the testlink configuration file

sudo vi

Modify the "user_self_signup" (whether users are immune to annals past themselves) parameter value to "False"
Modify the "config_check_warning_mode" parameter value to "SILENT"
Modified to: tlCfg->default_language = 'zh_CN'; (Chinese)


Then you tin access testlink
Afterwards finished, the login interface is as follows:


Use the default business relationship "admin" to log in, the password is "admin", alter the password subsequently logging in. To
If the folio is yet in English language after logging in, in the terminal account settings, language-select chinese

Stepped pit

Apache default port lxxx is occupied

The post-obit exception occurred during the installation of apache2

          1.Starting web server apache2                                                                                                                                                       **apache2: Could not reliably determine the server'southward fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName** 2.(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address listening sockets bachelor, shutting down 4.Unable to open up logs 5.Action 'start' failed.                  

1. The get-go warn is considering the apache domain proper noun is not configured. If you lot access via ip, you can ignore it.
ii. In addition, if it is a rented cloud host, yous will find that the ip ten.251.233.162 is strange. This is the internal network IP of the cloud host. The address of the local Ethernet card ech0 is taken, not the mapped public network we utilize. IP. Tin be confirmed by the post-obit command

          i.ifconfig eth0 | grep inet | awk '{ print $2 }'                  

three. The second "Address already in employ", this is because port 80 is occupied, and other services, such as nginx, may have been deployed before this machine; the default port of apache server needs to be modified

PHP version trouble, requires 5.iv or above

The previous reference was [an article on the official website][1]

Yous are running on PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.24, and TestLink requires PHP v.4.0 or greater. This is fatal trouble. You must upgrade it.

Need to add Ondřej Surý PPA to apt sources.list

          ane.sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ondrej/php                  

PHP5.4 relies on apache2.4 (currently 2.2)

Need to uninstall apache2.ii showtime, then install

          1.sudo apt-become --purge remove apache2 ##Uninstall packages and configuration files  2.sudo apt-get autoremove ##Delete automatically installed dependencies that are no longer needed                  

Reference documents

  1. TestLink deployment and introduction (Ubuntu): The version is a bit one-time. I updated apache2.two to 2.4 and php5.iii to 5.4 and stepped on several pits during practice.
  2. CentOS6.5 install testlink1.9.14: I wanted to refer to this document, but I accept an ubuntu idle resource in my hand, and I can't reinstall the arrangement, I can only install information technology on ubuntu
  3. How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on Ubuntu: Although this article is also in the Ubuntu 12.04 surround, but the php version is five.iii, not much reference
  4. How To Install Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack on Ubuntu 16.04: For Ubuntu 12.04, the commands to install the latest version of php and apache are the same
  5. How do I upgrade PHP version to the latest stable released version?:php upgrade from 5.3 to v.iv and above
  6. how reinstall apache2: Uninstall and reinstall apache, sudo apt-get –purge remove apache2


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